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  1. #1 by christopher worth on 23 mai 2021 - 16 h 34 min

    I bookmarked this site. May I share it with my daughter? She is also a visual artist.
    I’ve always loved the way you’ve infused your work with joy, humor, and humanity. The world needs it badly. Thank you, Michael.

    • #2 by Mikadiou on 23 mai 2022 - 10 h 48 min

      Coucou !
      Je ne me souviens plus si je t’ai répondu//// Je vieillis, 72 ans bientôt.
      Bien sur, tu peux partager. Tout cela est libre de droits, en licence libre (cf https://aful.org/ressources/licences-libres avec mon illustration par ailleurs).
      Embrasse tous ceux et celles que tu veux !
      Cuckoo !
      I don’t remember if I answered you /// I get older, 72 years soon.
      Of course, you can share. All this is free of rights, in free license (see https://aful.org/ressources/licences-libers with my illustration elsewhere).
      Kiss everyone you want!

(ne sera pas publié)